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This illustration for a rewilding project in Scotland shows the difference between a treeless and eroded riverbank, and one that has been restored.
Upland Forestry
An illustration showing how good forestry practice benefits a range of native species.
Marine Ecosystem
A full and vibrant marine ecosystem drawn for Scotland: The Big Picture.
An illustration demonstrating how a rewilded and ecologically complete Scottish forest might look.
Deer Carcass
A piece completed for Scotland: The Big Picture, showing the amount of life that a red deer carcass can help support.
Beaver Pond
A piece showing the various species that benefit from that master landscape architect: the beaver.
Mountain Cross Section
Completed for Cairngorms Connect, this shows how a rewilded mountain landscape might be structured.
Woodland Birds - Cheddar Gorge
Part of a suite of signs for an ecological trail at Cheddar Gorge. Work included creating a new visual identity that could be on interpretation across the site, research and writing, design and photography.
Trees at Cheddar - Cheddar Gorge
Part of a suite of signs for an ecological trail at Cheddar Gorge. Work included creating a new visual identity that could be on interpretation across the site, research and writing, design and photography.
Hazel Wood - Cheddar Gorge
Part of a suite of signs for an ecological trail at Cheddar Gorge. Work included creating a new visual identity that could be on interpretation across the site, research and writing, design and photography.
The First Brit - Cheddar Gorge
Part of a suite of signs for an ecological trail at Cheddar Gorge. Work included creating a new visual identity that could be on interpretation across the site, research and writing, design and photography.
Eoraptor - West Midland Safari Park
Part of a huge suite of interpretation for a new flagship dinosaur exhibit at the safari park. Work included coming up with the visual style for the signs, research and writing, and illustrating the dinosaurs.
Dilophosaurus - West Midland Safari Park
Part of a huge suite of interpretation for a new flagship dinosaur exhibit at the safari park. Work included coming up with the visual style for the signs, research and writing, and illustrating the dinosaurs.
Dinosaur exhibit signage
Part of the brief was to design the sign structures themselves, as well as the artwork. I came up with an innovative solution involving toughened glass panels, mounted into steel supports buried into the ground. The reason behind this was to have the signage as unobtrusive as possible, and appear as if it were ‘floating’ in the air.
Koala Creek - Longleat
Early exterior concept for the flagship Koala Creek exhibit at Longleat - the only koala exhibit in England.
Koala Creek - Longleat
Early interior concept for the flagship Koala Creek exhibit at Longleat - the only koala exhibit in England.